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- hayley_XXI-20_0209_201909_mfj22_dc1.jpg
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- hayley_XXI-20_0210_201909_mfj22_dc1.jpg
- hayley_XXI-20_0211_201909_mfj22_dc1.jpg
Item Relations
This Item | Author | Item: Hayley, William |
This Item | Recipient | Item: Hayley, Eliza (Ball) |
This Item | Sent from (place) | Item: Eartham House |
This Item | Sent to (place) | Item: Derby (one of multiple locations/lodgings) |
This Item | Mentioned | Item: Seward, Anna |
This Item | Mentioned | Item: Saville, John |
This Item | Mentioned | Item: Wright of Derby, Joseph |
This Item | Mentioned | Item: Hayley, Thomas Alphonso |
This Item | Mentioned | Item: Guy, William |
This Item | Mentioned | Item: Thomas Alphonso Hayley as Puck |
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Nov 4 1792
My dear Eliza
Accept our best Thanks for your lovely pacquet – your Irish Riddle is one of the happiest poetical Riddles I ever saw – an interesting Subject very delicately treated in Elegant Verse – Tho I agree with you & the Muse of Litchfield in yr general dislike to Riddles, I cannot fail to applaud this pleasant Specimen of Irish Vivacity ---
Poor Giovanni – I grieve to hear you say He is expected to return an Invalide from the Sea Side I fear his Constitution is wearing out apace, & \that/ the poor Muse will have the bitter Affliction of seeing
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Him sink visibly into a State of nervous debility far worse than death.
Yet let us hope this gentle Son of Harmony may revive, as you say another dear Invalide dear to the Arts, I mean our Friend Wright, is greatly restored –
I rejoice to hear his Pencil has been Active, not only as I am confident it has produced admirable Works, but as its Activity is a pleasing Assurance of his more Comfortable Health --- I doubt not but He will look with friendly pleasure on yr Fairy --- the dear little original I have lately surveyed both with pain & delight for since I wrote to you He has suffered a good deal from a Cold in the
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Head & Face (which did not thank Heaven affect his hearing) but seemed to me at last to settle in his Teeth, & it was eligible to submit to the severe Operation of having one of the strongest in his Jaw pulled out -
I was afraid his tender little Frame would hardly allow Him to exhibit so much courage as I wished Him for his Credit to exert on this trying Occasion – but to my infinite delight He behaved like a little Hero – suffered the horrific [or terrific?] Instrument to be put three times into his Mouth without shedding a Tear or using any kind of Gesture unworthy of a Man – our Friend Guy (who was the operator) was almost as much delighted with the Urchins [sic] Heroism as I was, & I never experienced a more singular Mixture of Anguish & delight – He is now perfectly well & not a little pleased with the merited praise He has received --- Accept our united Love with every kind wish
& believe me
Ever yr affectionate H
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Mrs Hayley