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Revision as of Dec 11, 2019, 9:16:07 PM, created by LisaGee

improvement, for he cannot fail to derive great advantage from the Society and instruction of so Great a Master and Friend as Romney, to whose picture I give the utmost credit on the score of M:rs Bosanquet’s; pray tell the worthy Painter that I have borrowed his Lay-figure according to his permission given before he left town, desire him once more not to hasten to town on Thomas’s account for he cannot be better than in M:r Romney’s company; whatever solicitude I have expressed at any time on his account, was only that the discipline might not be relaxed necessary to form a Good man, a Scholar, and profound Artist:

I have set an enquiry on foot for the address of Mr Cromwell from which I hope we may profit something — thanks for all your Goodness and Happiness to yourself and all the inmates of your house —

I have the honour to remain

Dear Sir

Your obliged and affectionate Servant
John Flaxman

The other Side for Nancy