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Maiden Name of Mrs Lushington – I fancy Her the daughter of Bishop Law - & feel a wish to hear something of her History – I have told her, I wish the Name of Blackshaw (a name very inharmonious to my Ear & I presume hateful to Her own) to form no part of the Inscription — but you shall see on the other side of the paper how I wish it to stand - I will only add here a request to hear from you soon, & the cordial benediction to Nacny & yrself of
yr sincere
& affectionate Hermit
Sunday Morn August 12 1798
Tom improves in Countenance but not yet in the pwoers of bodily Exertion. He could not run ten yards for the finest statues of antiquity — Patience & Courage!
You will have the kindness to keep the Epitaph secluded from every Eye except the dear intelligent Nancy — adieu!