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I solicited my engaging Correspondent to ramble to my hermitage. — He replied that he was a more stationary Hermit than I am, as He had not moved from home in the last 20 years; & having seen his sixtieth Birthday, He thought it hardly possible for him to quit his own quiet Abode to which He invited me with such tender Cordiality, that I was unable to resist the Invitation - Now indeed I see the beneficent Hand of Providence in this extraordinary Visit; & consider myself as sent to Him by Heaven, to prove an humble, but willing Instrument in saving his exquisitely feeling Spirit from being overwhelmed by an impending Calamity.

This is mysterious: but I will instantly give you a simple Explanation of the Mystery — Just as I had passed a week under his Roof, & had happily rendered myself very dear to my poetical Brother, & the very interesting old Lady, who for near thirty years has watched, like a

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