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Item Relations

This Item Author Item: Flaxman, John
This Item Recipient Item: Hayley, William
This Item Sent from (place) Item: 6 Buckingham Street
This Item Sent to (place) Item: Eartham House
This Item Mentioned Item: Flaxman, Anne
This Item Mentioned Item: Hayley, Thomas Alphonso
This Item Mentioned Item: Romney, George
This Item Mentioned Item: The Meyers
This Item Mentioned Item: Bunce, Samuel
This Item Mentioned Item: The Turret


[page 1]

Sept:r 11th 96
Buckingham Street

Dear and Kind Friend

M:rs Flaxman has been so much occupied in domestic concerns since her return from the Isle of Wight that She has not had time to answer your kind Note but that this may be delayed no longer I have undertaken to write for her; she is not less grateful than myself for your labours to serve her brother and for the invitation to Eartham in which however I must not indulge my self notwithstanding the gratification which I forego by the refusal, many reasons unite their force to make such an excursion improper at present, the first is that thank God ! my health has no need of it, my Studies just now require particular attention, besides that a very large Freight of Marble is just come to England in consequence of the destrution of our factory at Leghorn and the last freight likely to come for some years

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from which I must make some purchases – –and now like a Selfish Man of business having gone thro' my own concerns first, I will enquire after yours, I hope the Sea Bathing has intirely restored poor Thomas, that M:r Romney enjoys encreased vigour of health and genius, and if reality kept \keeps/ pace with our wishes our dear Bard will abound in every enjoyment, Mental and Corporeal — I hope the picture succeeds according to it's [sic] promises, that M:rs Mr and all the Myers family are in perfect health and enjoyment of their present delightful situation — apropos of Felpham the man of Capitals & Cornices, & Your humble servant have held a Council concerning your intended building, in which I think we agreed in a design which without encreasing your expence will contain all that you wish for in beauty and convenience
I desire it may be understood that the merit is M:r Bunce's, ecce signum — in oblique perspective you see a little Vestibule at the bottom of the Stair-Case which goes out on the top of the Tower, the Chimneys he says \M:r Bunce/ may be made wherever Convenience requires, as \they/ will occasion no projection in the exterior of the Wall — with the best

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sketch captions [left] oblique perspective of the back
[centre] front
[right] Plan

wishes to all the family

I have the honour to remain
Dear Sir

your much obliged Servant
J Flaxman Junr

I must not close the letter without observing that the circle 'tho a beautiful figure is much better Suited to many other Architectural purposes than the conveniences of a dwelling, yet according to your Idea I think it may be well employed, but Mr: Bunce as well as myself thinks, the staircase must be an addition for otherwise the Circle being so small, if the Staircase is within it room the apartments will thereby be so much deformed that they will scarcely be habitable:
Nancy unites in love to all

[page 4]

William Hayley Esq.re
near Chichester

Letter Title

John Flaxman to William Hayley: letter



Date 1


Date 1 Source

Written on letter by author

No. Sheets


Sender Address

6 Buckingham Street, London

Recipient Address



Hayley Papers


Fitzwilliam Museum


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“Flaxman-1-7,” A Museum of Relationships: The correspondence of William Hayley (1745-1820), accessed March 9, 2025, http://hayleypapers.fitzmuseum.cam.ac.uk/items/show/39.

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