
Transcribe This Item

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Item Relations

This Item Author Item: Flaxman, John
This Item Recipient Item: Hayley, William
This Item Sent from (place) Item: 6 Buckingham Street
This Item Sent to (place) Item: Eartham House
This Item Mentioned Item: Long, William
This Item Mentioned Item: Hayley, Thomas Alphonso
This Item Mentioned Item: Flaxman, Anne


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6 Oct 1799 [added in pencil]

Dear and Kind Friend

When I recieved [sic] your letter of the 2d: of September, M:r Long was gone into the Country & did not return 'till two or three \days/ ago, as soon as I found he was in London I called at his house with your letter & Epitaph both of which he read with considerable attention, the Epitaph pleased him very Much as I suppose it must every lover of Fine Sentiment & High Poetical Beauty however he thinks before it is engraven that you may be farther Consulted upon one or two passages in it but as he may reconsider his opinions on these particulars there can be no need to say more about that part of the Subject at present, in the mean time he says he will see what he can do among his Friends, & for myself I should be happy to contribute my Mite of Money or labour to the memory of a brother Artist & a Worthy Man as well as of his Amiable Wife, but some other expences are attendant on works of this kind, besides the execution of the


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A Fee is almost always expected by the Rector of the Church for the place to be occupied, & the expences of packing Cases, Carriage, & Mason's time in affixing sometimes encrease the charge when the work is sent to a Considerable distance from London, these things must be known & Calcuated to prevent the expence from any unexpected encrease which should be more particularly guarded against in an Undertaking of this kind;

Your Afflictions must have been so great for a long time past, that little of Your Attention could reasonably be expected beyond the sphere of domestic Calamity & the dreadful sufferings of our Worthy & exemplary friend for whom we feel continually, but concerning whom (as far as regards this life only) we dont [sic] certainly know whether we should hope or fear, but as your friendly Mind even in such a State of concern finds a Moment to think on Works of Art, I shall tell you freely that I am making two projects for the National Monument, one a standing figure of "Britannica by Divine Providence, Triumphant" on a basement adorned with the portraits & honors of her Naval Heroes, the whole intended to be 230 feet high

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out of which the Statue is in the proportion of 130 feet

The other Model is of a Column, surrounded by the Statues of Duncan, Howe, Nelson & S:t Vincent, & surmounted by Victory waving her Laurel Crown the whole of this likewise is made to a Scale of 230 feet 1/4 of an inch to a foot making the height of 4 feet 9 Inches & 1/2; ⎮Many thanks to your for your offer concerning Nancy, after a painful & lingering Illness it hath pleased the Almighty to restore her to Me again by the means of M:r Long's skill & care & the Air of Hampstead, I am sincerely thankful for this mercy & now thank God my mind is at rest on that account & that he may bestow on You a Similar Blessing & every other that in His Infinite Wisdom may seem good is the earnest wish of

Dear Friend
your much obliged
& faithful Servant
J Flaxman

Oct:r 6 1799
Buckingham Street
Fitzroy Square

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William Hayley Esq:re
near Chichester

Letter Title

John Flaxman to William Hayley: letter



Date 1


Date 1 Source

Written on letter by author

No. Sheets


Sender Address

6 Buckingham Street, London

Recipient Address

The Turret, Felpham


Hayley Papers


Fitzwilliam Museum


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“Flaxman-3-9,” A Museum of Relationships: The correspondence of William Hayley (1745-1820), accessed March 10, 2025, http://hayleypapers.fitzmuseum.cam.ac.uk/items/show/57.

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