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Aug 1795 [added in pencil]

Dear Kind Friend I have just received a letter from Lady Jones which as it concerns Your Elegant and Pathetic Poems, I enclose,

I forgot in my last to beg you would have the goodness when you see the Earl of Egremont to present my respects to his Lordship and assure him that I should have paid a second visit to Petworth but for the fear of pressing on \his/ kindness and intruding on his time;

I am the humble companion of Lady Jones in gratitude and thankfulness to the Author of the Elegy but I hope in future the friendly Muse will be carefull not to degrade her time and dignity by trifling with an name, whose claims on public notice, or her own are very small indeed; with love to Thomas and kind remembrance to Socket, George and Mary —

I have the honour to remain Dear Sir
Your most obliged
And affectionate servant

John Flaxman Junr

My Sisters best thanks for the Poem, &. my Father’s for Your kind invitation & intentions.

Dear Tom will you be so good as to make some enquiries at our good friend’s the Guy’s for a brown silk Handkerchief which (having left at Midhurst where we breakfasted) I desired the Coach Man in his way back to chichester to procure for & leave at the house of the above friends – If the Coachman has forgot it, perhaps they will be kind enough to remind Him to ask the People of the Inn for it – Pray write to me soon Concerning

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